Ross McNary is the son of Garth and Sherry McNary. Ross will be attending The Ohio State University to pursue a degree in Agricultural Management Systems. Garth and Sherry said "Ross is very smart, caring, always lots of fun to be around and he has a pure heart of gold. He gives kindness to everyone he meets, and we couldn’t be more proud of his accomplishments. Throughout school he has held leadership roles in FFA, 4-H, and the Champaign County Junior Fair Board, and he played baseball from little league through high school. He will graduate with honors and head to The Ohio State University main campus this fall to study Agricultural Engineering and Agri-business. Congratulations Ross, we are beyond proud of you and all the 2020 graduates!" Ross’ favorite memory from High School revolved around Friday Night Football games. We are proud of Ross and wish him the best in his future endeavors.