Central Office is currently planning annual Boo in The U. Call 834-2453, ext 1400 or email portere@mcburg.org to reserve your spot!

Our drivers take safety seriously. Bus evacuations help students be prepared. Practice makes perfect. @McBurg_DWE @McBurg_MS

Force, mass, acceleration...so many rich physical science words being discussed #knowourwhy

In case anyone is interested, check out the Burg library's workshop. #knowourwhy

Working hard to update our social media outlets regularly w/stories of student learning. Follow us for an inside look!

Still working hard in fifth grade on Friday afternoon! #knowourwhy

Honoring Indiv and Team State Champs tonight @ 6:40 before the football game. Be there or be square ⬛️. Proud of our student athletes!

First graders are able to have a change of scenery to learn how many student names start with vowels #knowourwhy

See the linked press release for McBURG's report cards. Proud of the growth of our district!

Village is on a boil alert. We will have water bottles if needed. If you can, send your students with a water bottle too.

Mechanicsburg Football starts off a little slow but has a dominant 3rd quarter advancing to 3-0 with a 41-6 routing of Southeastern!

There will be a scheduled shut off of water on Monday 9/11/17. Coaches have all been notified and have made arrangements. There should be minimal interruptions to school operations. We appreciate your patience during this project!

It is amazing to see how fluidly first grade students can use a computer! Fall MAP testing is already half done!

Proud 2 say 1LT Magyar is representing McBurg and OH w his service to our country. Putting his skills as an art teacher to good use!

Learning is off to a great start!

KDG and 1st gr Ts learning and laughing together! #CrowdEd17 @McBurg_DWE @a_gaffga @KellyWeberk @marsha12584360

No School on Friday, 9/1 and Monday, 9/4.

Reminder for Seniors - Meningococcal Shot by Sept. 15th. Please be sure to bring shot records to your building secretary.

We have a new website, please be patient as we train our staff on how to use it and up the content for everyone. More information to come!